How much average forex trader earn per month

If you want to understand the math behind it, go read this risk management article by Ed Seykota.

Forex Trader Salaries

You have to withdraw from your account to meet your living needs. Ultimately, you must know what you want out of your trading business — and understand how withdrawals will affect your returns over time. Instead of only compounding your returns over time, you also add funds to your trading account regularly — and compound it. It took me 4 years to understand this over and over again. Coz the market and charts somewhat deceiving…. I have not met a genuine trader telling the truth for free ….

Thank you for this wonderful article. In fact, I figured out myself these 5 metrics in the past few months, but you have put it in a formula. Thanks Rayner. Have been tutorials a lot boss it has helped me more every time I do I need to discuss some things with u. Great article! I remember when starting, i calculated to be a millionaire within 2 to 3 years… Hehe, well i still have a bit to go after X years of trading.

How Much Money Can I Make Forex Day Trading?

I must say that your longer time frame approach really has helped me improving my results, since i have adopted your style of Forex trading as much as possible. Brgds and thx. Gotland Trading. Again Rayner i thanks you for you give me your exprence and trading formula even i will update you as my promise when the day trade experment proformance after i finsh them. Wonderful article, thank you. Most of the time I trade in demo account and still not profitable, every 10 trades 8 lost and 2 win.

Presently my broker is FxPro. Great article. You are right about the number of trades will help to increase total profitability, but traders must be mindful that every transaction costs money in spreads and slippages. So the expectancy calculation must include all those cost.

Another excellent article, thanks Rayner! I average 1 to 10 trades per day and use a risk of ruin calculator to compute my position size once weekly. My goal is to slowly increase my bet size and eventually make k per day. Rayner, once gain Than You for the great article. I have been looking at Risk:Reward as the means to being profitable. I will take this new information to help me reach that goal. Once again. I will withdraw it monthly if there is a profit regardingless of how much.

My inner evil will grow greedy and superhero gut and ruin the account. Basically i feel i can only trade the money i am willing to lose, instead of growing it. So i prefer to deposit more money into the trading account when i am afforded to do so. Totally agreed with the number of trades will increase the probability of profit if your winning rate is greater than losing. Eventually the losing trades will be covered by winning trades. But, sometime it will be a chance of drawdown and happen the opposite way.

Always enjoy reading your article.. This really helps for a new learner. You answer many of my questions, thank you for the sharing. Top Question and at the front of the queue with any new Trader. The way I see it is im unlikely to have the kind of account size to earn a living from trading around my current job. BUT heres the thing, its about consistency! If you can become consistently profitable with a small account, you can be consistent with a larger account.

Ok you might not have that money lying around but dont think about that, its not important. Whatever account size you have doesnt matter. Think consistency and nothing else.

Heres my point, If you can trade consistently with a small account you can scale it up. Do for them what you do with your account and they will throw money at you and give you half of what you make them. Consistently Profitable. Rayner good post again bud. Great post Rayner! When I first learned about expectancy it was like a light switch that went off. All of a sudden everything made sense to me, and I had much more confidence in my trading system. Thanks again for your trading insights!

Hi Rayner nice to hear from you. I will make tonnes of money in Forex trading. I am not kidding.

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I have to make. Thanks Chandru. Without any risk…please make it clear …. And am not talking about a newbie am talking if i had abount 3 years experience to make 60 to 72 percent and if i read about 20 books and a hundred plus videos and determination patience and all am going to put effort into it. Build your experience for a couple of years.

Good Idea brother lesson first and slow movement towards a settled goal…. Plus they say.. Is being long a currency like being long a stock position… or does it expire after a period of time? Clear article. What is a reasonable expectancy though? And by reasonable I mean what do competent traders make? Aside from the obvious how much money people can expect to make it is also really important for the psychology of expectation management.

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I like your examples. Sometimes i laugh a little bit on those examples. Brilliant knowledge you have. Great post. People should understand that and be more realistic.

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I was in this trading for 2 years since I lost everything I invested. But I believe that I can recover all that and for that I need your help to restart what I shut down almost 2 years ago. I am still hopeful for sucessful trading ahead.