Hkex options trading rules

Hong Kong card deposit guidelines. Cross-border Transfer Fees and Process Description. Withdrawal of Funds. Must-read for withdrawal to Hong Kong card.

Admission Criteria

Fee Structure. Hong Kong Stocks. Shanghai Shenzhen Stock Connect. US stock options. Hong Kong stock option fees. Charges for subscription of new stocks. Futures charges.

Options Trading Golden Rule #1: Small Positions [Episode 469]

Singapore Stocks. Australian stock charging standards. Financing interest rate. Billing report. Trade Desk orders and other charges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hong Kong share charges old. US stock. US Stock Market Quotation. Market Rules. New Shares Subscription. Order Types. Types of Account. Order Execution. Option Trading. Common Transaction Questions. HK stock. Exchange Rules. Subscription of New Stocks. Hong Kong stock options. Futures trading. Futures market data. Market rules. Order Type. Account type. Futures margin. Common trading issues. China-A share. A-share trading. Scope of trading. Trading hours. Tick size. Unit commissioned. Price limit. Application Ceiling. Singapore Stock.

Bid Size. Settlement Rules.

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Board Lot Sizes. Real Estate Investment Trusts. Australian Stocks Trading. Trading Rules. Stock transfer. Margin Trading.

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  • According to the Rules Cap. If you hold or control an open position in futures contracts or stock options contracts in excess of the Reporting Level specified in the Rules Cap. For reportable positions arising from trading in the after-hour trading session, you should combine the positions with trades transacted in the regular trading session on the following business day and report your LOP accordingly. If you are holding or controlling positions directly or indirectly at any Exchange Participants, you should have the obligation to aggregate positions for purposes of applying the prescribed limits and reportable position requirements.

    However, the Rules apply separately to the positions held by each of the underlying clients of an omnibus account, except where the omnibus account operator has discretion over the positions in which case the account operator must also aggregate these positions with his own positions.

    Positions held by different underlying clients should not be netted off for purposes of calculating and reporting reportable positions or determining compliance with the prescribed limits. The SFC takes the view that a person is regarded as having control of positions if, for example, the person is allowed to exercise discretion to trade or dispose of the positions independently without the day-to-day direction of the owner of the positions. Section 7 of the Rules Cap. Refer to the below links for the prescribed limit and reporting level on the number of contracts for both futures contracts and stock options contracts respectively.

    If your reportable positions are held with other Exchange participant s as well and notwithstanding that positions separately held by each Exchange participant may not have exceeded the reporting level, you are still obligated to fulfill the reporting requirement, either to submit the notice of the reportable positions to the Exchange directly with the use of LOP report template or through an Exchange Participant or its agent where the latter agrees to make the reporting on your behalf such that the total number of positions reported shall represent the total number of positions held in other Exchange participant s in excess of the reporting level.

    In case you choose to submit the notice of reportable positions to the Exchange through one of the Exchange Participants and where that Exchange Participant agrees to submit the notice on your behalf, you should provide to them your total positions held or controlled including those at other Exchange Participants. Any Exchange Participants holding positions in excess of the Reporting Level for its own account or for any client shall:.

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    The Hong Kong exchanges may request provision of additional information in the LOP report other than that specified under the Rules such as i the account number, account name and identity of the transaction originator of a reportable position, ii the nature of a reportable position, and iii account type. In excess of prescribed limit or failing to lodge a notice for reportable positions would commit an offence and is liable—. Email : [email protected].

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