Trading system extension x3

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So now you have three potential systems to trade ore to. It's just too easy and will ruin the game early on for you. Most of the fun of these games is to build something from nothing. The stock market is almost as bad as just editing the. First, option c is rather out of the picture considering how much it costs to buy the level 3 software so your mercury can be automated.

The next best bet is to go with a trading system extension software on your Discoverer that allows you to manually direct your mercury from there. That will work out a little bit better. You can then follow Kris's suggestion and do ore trading for some decent profit. Option b is also rather bad, the mercury is slow, not powerful at all, and really boring to fly, I'd ditch this choice. Option a is what I would usually go with. From the profit of the mercury, you can upgrade your engine tunings, cargo bay size, and rudders as well as purchasing some equipment for your discoverer. Then you can go do some basic combat missions to start out, either that or run some high value but illegal goods like space fuel.

My suggestion would be to follow this guide on the official Egosoft forums. It's what I used in X3:TC to start my massive space fuel and space weed empire, and it made starting out a lot less painful.

How do I get unlimeted money in X3?

The same principals should apply for X3AP, as well. Hint: You sell your Mercury right off the bat, and use your Discoverer to pick up asteroid scanning, ship recovery, and taxi missions for tidy, easy profits.

X3:AP Tutorial - Easy Money #1

You'll make enough in short order to set up your first automated trade ship, and from there start looking at other ways of making massive profits. Selling the mercury is a viable possibly the best option, as it allows you to jump on the stock market immediately where you can quite easily make millions in under an hour. One sector north there are Space Fuel Distilleries.

I like to start out ferrying some contraband and scouting out the local stations.

Category: X3: Albion Prelude

Use the Discoverer, as the Mercury is way too slow to avoid police. The problem with Humble Merchant is that the player starts with so little cash. Selling some crates of Space Fuel is a quick return until you can scout out a good buying Ore Mine and a under stocked factory needing Ore. One of the first upgrades you should get for the Discoverer is Trading System Extension. Random missions will spawn quickly enough to get you some reputation and a little cash. Early station defense missions spam M5 scouts which will splat against the station in short order.

M4 and larger generally need to be shot down. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What's the best way to start with the Humble Merchant? Ask Question. Asked 9 years ago. And i swear on my life that once, while i was exploring Akeela's Beacon in X3 Reunion, i found a 2nd gate that led out of the system.

It wasn't to Aladna Hill, and i was in Bankrupt Assassin mode, murdering argon vessels. I made a break for the east area and saw a blue glow in the distance. Went further, found the gate, made it halfway past the gate struts, got killed by 2 border patrol groups. Since then i could neither confirm nor deny the existence of that gate, as i've never found it since then. Tip: I was poking around Neptune and notcied a gate was there, went through it, came out in a terran owned sector called megnir or something. Went through the south gate, came out at another sector called segnir or wutevr.

There was a shipyard near the east gate, and you'll never guess what was in the buy section! Thank you thank you than you. I have played x for a long time, and still i get a lot out of reading guides like this, if its a good one. And this is awsome. This game serie is one of the very few im not getting tired of playing. There was always the ships with "I win" embedded in them and acquiring of those ships were always the main goal. X3: Albion Prelude is the latest game in the X3 space game series.

Push back the Omicron Channel Virus, and defeat them at their home world. Jump to: navigation, search. You can get paid for destroying them in those sectors, but the ships they used are powerful for their class. See: Revelation.

x3: albion prelude litcube's universe

B - mod - Litcube Universe is one of the latest total conversions of X3, and still gets balance and updates. Welcome to Litcube's Universe. X3: Albion Prelude - Mayhem v.

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You have help in the form of a plethora of new tools which I've implemented to help you win. A huge overhaul of X3 Albion Prelude. All scripts, code, and written modifications were written by myself I modified all scenes, some models, but the credit for the models goes to the artist. Please make your selection on the left. You need to stop them.

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See this FAQ article for further information. There is very little of the game that I haven't touched. X Forum. X3 albion prelude schiffe.