20 gallon tank stocking options

Why only 1 dwarf though? Mine do fine together, and most people have 2 or more together.. Marzahtha Member. Dwarf Gouramis are more territorial and you will have aggression issues. They're also more likely to die less healthy. How many amano shrimp would you get? I would have guppys platys 6 cory catfish and center piece a dwarf gouramI love platys really hardy fish.

5 Best Fish Tank Ideas for a Gallon Aquarium | Aquarium Co-Op

How many fish would you add? I would add 6 corys 6 guppys 3 platys and a male dwarf gourami. I wouldn't get 3 males dwarf as they will fight could try 2 but I wouldn't even risk it the shrimps might get eaten when they molt plush they don't live very long neons are pretty hard to keep due to them inbreeding they pretty prone on getting diseases snails are fine If you do decide to get 2 males dwarfs I would watch them in the tank in the pet store for at least 20 mins and pick the two what ain't aggressive towards the others! Piscesorkillerwhale Member.

20 Gallon Aquarium Stocking Ideas

Crazycoryfishlady Member. Piscesorkillerwhale said:. Ive been told that website is not to be trusted. Crazycoryfishlady said:. Why's that? Many have been told otherwise and some swear by it. Lunnietic Member. I personally wouldn't get dwarf gourmais or neon tetras at the moment. Do NOT get me wrong they are beautiful fish, just lately they hadn't had good quality anywhere throughout the US. They are very acceptable for disease. You will really need a QT tank set up for them, and be prepared for lost imho.

Allow me to clarify something here: AqAdvisor is best used as a guideline, but it should not be taken as an absolute measurement of stocking, you will still have to do a lot of research in terms of compatibility, diet, setup, and temperament. The algorithms mostly determine your stocking by the power of filtration you will have equipped for the tank, and as a bonus can indicate a median in water parameters for your stocking. I would discourage getting more than one Dwarf GouramI just to avoid subjecting your fish to the possibility of stress, illness, damage, or death.

It has worked for some people, but I honestly don't know for how long that lasted especially once the fish reached maturity. A 20 gallon tank is a wonderful compromise for people that want something in between a large and small aquarium. These tanks are large enough to create an amazing aquatic environment, including a diverse array of plants alongside lots of pretty fish. It does not matter whether you would like to keep a marine or freshwater environment , there is enough space for each of them.

This tank can also be home to a number of invertebrates, including: shrimps, crabs, and even some smaller turtles. As long as you are considerate of their requirements, you can even keep them together. Generally, most fish that are larger than 2. However, this tank makes up in length what it lacks in sheer volume. You can comfortably accommodate plants alongside your fish while still maintaining a safe and healthy environment. If you are planning on breeding fish, the 20 gallon long aquarium is definitely a tank you can consider.

As for additional equipment, this tank falls right in the middle of two categories. This diamond polished edged, distortion free tank is made with high quality materials and exceeds industry standards, perfect for beginners or experts with a wide range of uses.

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Usually they will measure 30 inches in length, and 12 inches in width and height 30x12x12 inches. However they can slightly vary in size from model to model — whilst the volume itself will be the same, the dimensions of the tank L x W x H can differ. We are going to walk you through the equipment that most tanks of this size will need and also give you our top picks too. This self-priming filter is easy to setup and use, and provides all three necessary filtrations for your setup. The filter is an essential piece of equipment for every tank. If there is no filter, then there is no circulation.

Without circulation, there is no active nutrient or dissolved oxygen cycle — these components are crucial for the development of any aquatic animals. Apart from creating a healthy environment, a quality filter can significantly aid in breeding by creating a current in the tank. Some species also need a stable permanent flow to stay healthy and reach maximum length — in long tanks this is even more important. The best choices for a tank of this size are HOB or external filters.

All organisms feel best at a particular temperature. External temperature plays a key role in the life of aquatic organisms because fish cannot regulate their own temperature.

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So the heater choice will be determined by your aquarium inhabitants. Make sure that all of your fish can live comfortably at the same temperature or at least can tolerate the same temperature range. Then get a heater which is capable of maintaining the required water temperature.

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For a tank this size about W will be fine. This 30 inch stand is perfect for a 20L aquarium, it will fit in well in most homes with a simple black finish. Although they are not absolutely required, aquarium stands are a nice addition to any setup.


It will add additional stability to the tank, avoid scratches on furniture and can also help to keep the aquarium warm. You will be able to fit one into your room without any problem. It will also probably have space inside to store other equipment, food and any plumbing. Fitting most 20 gallon long aquariums perfectly, this hood features sleek LED lighting which is integrated into the hood even when open. Fish rely on the day-night cycle to regulate many vital functions. If their light regime is disrupted, it will impact the health of your fish and negatively impact their lifecycle.

To avoid excessive plant growth and at the same time keep fish healthy, aquarists use hoods and aquarium lamps. Aquarium lamps imitate natural sunlight, while providing just enough lighting to encourage the growth of plants. Hoods are used to limit the amount of direct light.

Top 10 fish 20 Gallon Aquariums

This comes in really handy during breeding periods when fish may need a dimmed or a completely dark environment. Hoods also prevent fish from leaping out of the tank. There are a good number of different lamps LED, luminescent, etc. The answer: 0.

Stocking Your Freshwater Aquarium

So this really puts the minimum tank size for goldfish at 75 gallons. They're always spread out over the tank or swimming around. I have two goldfish right now that are cramped in their small tank goldfish bowl, didn't expect them to last more than a week so didn't see the point in investing in a big tank, but now six months later I'm going to buy a new one, and mabey add some more goldfish once it's set up and ready if that's okay. The smallest goldfish easily reach 6 inches long, and on average they are even bigger.

How many goldfish in a 20 gallon high? How many goldfish can live in a 20 gallon tank? Only one can go in there with 30 gallons every additional fish. Question 5 Can Goldfish live in a 20 gallon tank? To clean a goldfish tank, start by moving the goldfish to a temporary tank. I wanna get only 3. The common Comet goldfish grows to well over a foot long.