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US — — Housing Starts. US — — Capacity Utilization Rate. US — — Crude Oil Inventories.

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The week ahead. After a terrible Tuesday, markets never really recovered last week. It appears to have been a case of markets expecting clarity from the new US administration, and getting nothing of the sort. The Dow Jones touched its lowest levels since November at one point. The rule book is being re-written by the week, as officials try one solution after another. The shares closed the day down nearly a third on the news. According to CEO Eric Daniels, these losses reflect the application of a more conservative recognition of risk, and the further deterioration in the economic environment.

Another concern was the data released from the ECB which stated that borrowing from the marginal lending facility hit It may be a blip, but this lending spike could imply that a major bank is in trouble. Exactly where a deep recession becomes a depression is up for debate, and perhaps such a label can only be applied in retrospect.

Markets are taking each day and each economic announcement as they come, with the unfortunate result being a continuation of short term volatility. Still, markets have held above the November lows for now. If these levels fail, it could be the defining point of for world stock markets.

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Oil continues to drop as global economic activity falters. Analysts will be looking for clues as to the likelihood of further cuts towards zero for UK interest rates. Following the same theme, the Bank of Japan announced their overnight call rate in the early hours of Thursday.

There is unlikely to be any movement, but the following press conference could spark some volatility as traders react to any additional central bank interventions. Melemahnya dollar terhadap mata uang mayoritas pada hari ini melanjutkan tren negati dollar dalam beberapa pekan terakhir. Aksi konsolidasi yang terlihat pada dollar terbilang wajar mengingat mata uang AS ini telah bergerak positif sepanjang tahun ini. Para analis memperkirakan bahwa tren negatif yang terjadi pada saat ini aka terus terjadi sampai dengan awal tahun depan dimana pada saat ini para investor juga masih berusaha memperoleh keuntungan dengan melepas dollar.

GE — — Ifo Business Climate. EU — — Current Account. US — — Existing Home Sales. GE — — Gfk Consumer Climate. US — — Richmond Manufacturing Index.

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US — — New Home Sales. GE — — Unemployment Change. EU — — Consumer Confidence. EU — — Unemployment rate. After months of bailouts, mini rallies, rate cuts, and false dawns, investors threw in the towel. On Thursday, there was a panicked flight to quality, as the yield on the shortest term US treasury bonds sank to near zero.

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Money is flooding to what is perceived to the safest haven in these troubled times. The panic pushed investors into bonds, breaking records for that market. The yield on four-week Treasury bills fell to 0. The cost of insuring against investment grade companies defaulting shot up to its highest level since the crisis began. When the Dow was trading around 13,, Buffet used derivates to effectively bet that the market would be higher than this level in 15 to 20 years time.

As a sign of the times, oil prices hit a new milestone last week. The rapid demise in crude prices is having a direct impact on the Russian economy and stock market. Financial shares led the selling. HSBC received a broker down grade on fears of the state of its tier 1 equity ratio. In the US Citigroup was hit hard, losing half its value in just three days. Next week starts with the German Ifo business climate report which will analysed closely after recent announcements that many parts of the Eurozone are already in recession.

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US existing home sales are released at Tuesday morning brings a raft of UK economic announcements with the MPC treasury committee hearing top of the list. Thursday is an extremely busy day with a large number of US announcements. Core durable goods, unemployment claims and new home sales are the notable highlights. The rest of the trading week could be relatively quiet with many traders using Thursday Thanksgiving holiday to make a long weekend. There is simply no telling what the market or economy might be like as we start Although not marking the exact bottom, readings of this nature were not a million miles from the lows of , and With a hoard of cash waiting in the wings, there is always the possibility of this reading again marketing the bottom.

However, this market has left many seasoned professionals scratching their heads as the selloff has been unlike anything seen for generations. In recent months, these markets have reached extremes of sentiment that in the past have market key turning points. The trouble is that of late, markets have continued to make new extremes way beyond previous inflection points. One market that has been away from the headlines is gold. Ikuti kami di. Telegram Line Pinterest reddit Mix Flipboard.

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